Wednesday 23 November 2011

Change of direction; A blog about a blog

So recently I think what I've been posting for F Block Blog has become a bit stale, boring, monotonous and really haven't been enjoying it as much as I did when I set out in 2008 (how long ago?!).

I don't know if that reflects in what I've written or whether people like what I write but either way I haven't really enjoyed the whole, get back from a game, churn out a couple hundred word match report this season.

Don't get me wrong I do enjoy writing, it's just that the big vision for FBB when I set out was that it would be an unofficial news source with match reports updated from every game on the night, if not then on the following morning, and other news constantly updated. In my head I absolutely had to do this, hit deadline or worst case scenario get something out the following morning, much like an official news source...don't know why, I guess it was just a goal that I set myself.

What I didn't think about is that official media is official for a reason, and any possible stories I could have blogged were already covered, usually very swiftly. I'm sure it hasn't gone unnoticed by most Elite League fans that the Stingrays are particularly good at getting press releases and quotes out there on a regular basis and credit must go to Stuart Walker for that.

Anyway, the 'other news constantly updated' aspect dropped off about a year and a half ago when my student days ended (RIP) and my 9-5 working life began, drastically reducing my free time (no more lie-ins for me). That's if you can call a 10.30-7 shift a 9-5?! On the side I also happen to write 1500 words for the Stingrays programme each Sunday and Monday night for the following week, so this is something that also impacted my available time and enjoyment of writing.

The 'other news' posts all finished then, barring signings, which I endeavored to continue updating soon after they were announced, and match reports, which have obviously become the large majority of what I post now.

The crux of what I'm slowly but surely getting to is that no longer will I set myself those deadlines and no longer will be blog be updated as a matter of urgency. The length of what I post may also drop off but I guess that depends a lot on what I have to say about the particular game/event/injury/signing etc and whether I've posted recently on other subjects.

Another thing that I want to change is the voice of what I write. It's not going to be the official unofficial news voice that I previously shot for, and occasionally missed. Now....if you hadn't already guessed, it's going to written in first person with more views, opinions and general thoughts on the Stingrays and maybe even the Elite League from time-to-time by me (Christian Ward for those unaware).

Why? Well, apart from those listed above, I'm a big big fan of the style of the Star Tribune's Michael Russo and his Minnesota Wild (top of the NHL by the way) centric blog Russo Rant's.

Ideally I'd like FBB to be the Stingrays very own version, albeit without as much insider info and probably less content. That's the general idea away, we'll see how long it is before I change my tone again!

I imagine very few people care about this post, and just come to FBB for a quick fix, but for me this post is just to break out of my shell, draw a line in the sand and start afresh as it were (can I fit any more clinches into a sentence)! I promise I don't take this as seriously as this post sounds haha.

I'll still probably post often, just now it'll be enjoyable and when I went, and I'll still be just as active on Twitter @F_Block_Blog. If you look through a couple of my posts on there, well, that's kinda what the all new blog posts will be like....only longer than 140 characters, obviously.

See you on the other side!